What's Involved?
My Mobility Assessment is the basic Biomechanics package that I offer and looks at key areas in your body that are often responsible for the underlying causes of common restricted movement. If you’re experiencing any discomfort (rather than pain) or restriction at present I can tailor the assessment specifically for the issues you are facing to help ease the impact they have on your life.
It’s a great package if you feel like you have some restrictions in movement and don’t know where to begin with “fixing” your body. I can look at the main areas we can use to improve dysfunction and create a 14 day plan to get your body moving better.

Book Online
Start to improve your movement by booking your Mobility Assessment securely through Paypal. If you’ve not already been in touch to organise a date and time for your assessment I’ll message you on your Paypal email address. Alternatively email [email protected] and I’ll get in touch!
Your assessment will take place at my private gym in Llangollen unless otherwise agreed and will take around 30 minutes. I will give you an initial overview immediately after, with a technique to help improve your mobility and movement. I will then send a follow up email with a written report and links to additional exercises on my website or YouTube channel. I’m always an email or phone call away if you need extra help, I don’t mind and it’s what I’m here for.
Mobility Assessment - £45
To book online please use Paypal below. Once booked I will contact you to organise a date and time to suit you for your assessment so we can start getting you moving freely again.
Mobility Assessment
What Happens…
In the mobility assessment I will take your body through a series of movements, using evidence based research we can assess whether each movement is within range for a normal functioning body, we are also looking for symmetry to ensure there are no compensations across your body.
Most of the tests are completed on a massage table, some you will need to sit down for and there are a few where you stand up. You will be barefoot for all of the tests. Wearing leggings or shorts makes testing easier, I recommend a sports bra for women, and ideally a sports vest or t-shirt.
Once the tests have been completed i’ll provide you with initial key results along with a key technique we will use to create more balance in your mobility. I will email a 14 day plan to address other issues we uncover.

Please be aware that I cannot perform an assessment on a client experiencing “pain” without them consulting a GP first. I am not a clinician and cannot diagnose the cause of pain, and it’s always best to seek medical help with the issue first. I am happy to assess other areas of your body as they may be contributing to the pain you’re experiencing, but I will not assess a painful area without a GP report.
After Your Assessment
Prepare, Strengthen & Stabilise
Once we have completed your assessment I will provide an athlete focused report which summarises the findings. A Full Body Assessment includes a detailed clinical report, ideal for clinicians or athletes and coaches with a good understanding of anatomy.
I’ll explain what movements are being inhibited and I’ll give you a 14 day plan so we can get you moving correctly again. It can take longer than the 14 days but every individual body has a different start, history and will adapt differently but many clients see huge improvements once they complete that 14 day plan.