What's Involved?
The running biomechanics assessment looks at key areas of your body and its movement capacity essential for running. During the assessment I’ll check joint functionality and locate areas that we can increase range and symmetry on so you can run faster and stay injury free. This will include a foot assessment, checking your capacity to pronate and supinate.
I’ll let you know at the assessment what I’ve found and will later send an athlete report along with a 14 day plan to improve your joint functionality in the areas identified. The plan will also aim to take any strain off your knees, calves, achilles and plantar region, preventing injury or offering support if you are rehabilitating from tendonitis or other injury.
I am also pleased to be able to offer video analysis of your run style and gait using my treadmill here in Llangollen.

Book Biomechanics Assessment
Start to improve your run by booking your Runner Biomechanics Assessment securely through Paypal. If you’ve not already been in touch to organise a date and time for your assessment I’ll message you on your Paypal email address. Alternatively email [email protected] and I’ll get in touch!
Your assessment will take place at my private gym in Llangollen unless otherwise agreed and will take around 30 minutes. I will give you an initial overview immediately after with a technique to help improve your running. I will then send a follow up email with a written report and links to additional exercises on my website or YouTube channel. I’m always an email or phone call away if you need extra help, I don’t mind and it’s what I’m here for.
Running Assessment - £45
To book online please use Paypal below. Once booked I will contact you to organise a date and time to suit you for your assessment.
Book Assessment + Gait Analysis
Book your Running Biomechanics Assessment along with a run style and video gait analysis securely through Paypal. If you’ve not already been in touch to organise a date and time for your assessment I’ll message you on your Paypal email address. Alternatively email [email protected] and I’ll get in touch!
Your assessment will take place at my private gym in Llangollen unless otherwise agreed and will take around 50 minutes. I will give you an initial overview immediately after, with a technique to help improve your mobility and movement. I will then send a follow up email with a written report and links to additional exercises on my website or YouTube channel.
I’m always an email or phone call away if you need extra help, I don’t mind and it’s what I’m here for.
Running Assessment With Run Style & Gait Analysis - £95
To book online please use Paypal below. Once booked I will contact you to organise a date and time to suit you for your assessment.
After Your Assessment
Prepare, Strengthen & Stabilise
Once we have completed your assessment I will provide an athlete report outlining the findings.
I’ll explain what movements are being inhibited and I’ll give you a 14 day plan so we can get you moving correctly again. It can take longer than the 14 days but every individual body has a different start, history and will adapt differently but many clients see huge improvements once they complete that 14 day plan.