What is Biomechanics?
Our bodies are integrated systems, and one of the tests I perform shows how by lifting your big toe I can make your opposing shoulder move! Many people come to a biomechanics specialist when they are experiencing pain or discomfort that never seems to go no matter what they do. Ideally clients come instead for pre-hab though, I’d much rather help athletes before they get injured!
What a Biomechanics Coach does, is assess each individual joint and it’s capacity for movement. Quite often our “problem areas” are actually caused by somewhere else in our integrated system. It’s my job to take assess your joint function, strength and balance, and help regain function, range and symmetry within your body through different movement strategies.

Triathlon Biomechanics Packages
As a level 4 biomechanics coach I am pleased to offer several packages perfectly catered for triathletes. The Triathlete Biomechanics Assessment focuses on the main joint functions required for swim, bike and run, and looks at your function and any limitations in the movements you need to perform each sport efficiently. I provide an athlete focused report which is easy to understand, and your 14 day plan is designed to improve joint function by releasing sub-clinical spasms which are preventing optimal movement.
The Gait Analysis packages offers the same Triathlete Assessment, however also includes additional strength and balance tests with an extrinsic run style and gait analysis. This includes video footage using my treadmill at my gym which will look at your specific gait and cover your run style. When combining your gait analysis with a look at your joint function, it creates a clear picture of how you’re running, why you’re running that way, and what we can potentially change if we need to. The 14 day plan will be more run focused to improve your gait and develop your running style.
The Full Body Assessment is where I perform every screen and additional functional movement assessments for a complete picture of what your movement capacity is from top to toe, and it includes a free reassessment at 14-21 days after to check your progress. I highly recommend a full assessment if you’ve been experiencing discomfort or feel “all wonky”. The full assessment can often highlight hidden dysfunction that is creating a myriad of issues throughout the body, and by sticking to the 14 day plan you’ll see at the retest how everything is all connected because in that small space of time clients have seen shocking results in their joint function and mobility.
Triathlete Assessment
- Improve Movement
- Better Joint Function
- Prevent Injuries
- Enhance Performance
- Athlete Focused Report
- Techniques For Resolving Sub Clinical Spasms
- 14 Day Plan To Improve Imbalances & Dysfunction
Assessment & Gait Analysis
- Triathlete Assessment
- Treadmill Run Assessment
- Video Footage & Feedback
- Extrinsic Gait Analysis
- Strength & Balance Assessment
- Techniques For Resolving Sub Clinical Spasms
- 14 Day Plan To Improve Imbalances & Dysfunction
Full Body Assessment
- Full Body Screen
- Complete View Of Whole Body Function & Movement Capacity
- Strength & Balance Assessment
- Enhanced Clinical Report
- Techniques For Resolving Sub Clinical Spasms
- 14 Day Plan To Improve Imbalances & Dysfunction
- Follow Up Assessment
Full Body Assessment
What Happens…
In a full body assessment I will take your body through a range of movements, using evidence based research we can assess whether each movement is within range for a normal functioning body or look at obtaining a greater range for high performance.
Most of the tests are completed on a massage table, some you will need to sit down for and there are a few where you stand up. You will be barefoot for most of the tests, however high performance clients have additional tests which they will need their running trainers on for.
Wearing leggings or shorts makes testing easier, I recommend a sports bra for women, and ideally a sports vest or t-shirt. One of the spine tests involve me looking at your back, so it is helpful if you’re happy to lift your top at the back ladies, or go topless for the men. If you’re really uncomfortable about that it’s fine, we can just leave that test out.
Once the tests have been completed i’ll provide you and your coach (if you have one) with the results and I’ll provide a 14 day plan to address any issues we uncover.
After Your Assessment
Prepare, Strengthen & Stabilise
Once we have completed your assessment I will provide an athlete focused report which summarises the findings. A Full Body Assessment includes a detailed clinical report, ideal for clinicians or athletes and coaches with a good understanding of anatomy.
I’ll explain what movements are being inhibited and I’ll give you a 14 day plan so we can get you moving correctly again. It can take longer than the 14 days but every individual body has a different start, history and will adapt differently but many clients see huge improvements once they complete that 14 day plan.
With a Full Body Assessment, you are invited back for a free retest between 14 and 21 days after. The retest is a good opportunity to see how much you have improved and we can outline plans to continue to improve function, range and symmetry further.